Anderson Cove & Squally Point
Across Anderson Cove, from the Eatonville day park of Cape Chignecto Provincial Park, a flat top cliff marks an ancient beach, now perched high above today’s Bay of Fundy. Following the melting of the ice cap some 10,000 years ago, the land rebounded, pushing upward as the great weight of glacial ice disappeared. The wild coastline of the Cliffs of Fundy is nowhere more breath-taking.
Geological Formation: Fountain Lake Group (cliffs)
Age: Carboniferous (circa 300 million years) and Quaternary (circa 10,000 years ago)
Directions: From Spicer Cove, continue past the bridge turning right towards Eatonville day use park of Cape Chignecto Provincial Park. From the parking area, hike the trail, bearing left at the trail junction. A well maintained loop takes you to interpreted lookoffs.
GPS Coordinates: 45.423464, -64.915193 – Anderson Cove
GPS Coordinates: 45.430155, -64.914953 – Squally Point
Tide Times:
Squally Point
Anderson Cove

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