Fraserville Scenic Drive
The Fundy Cliffs and indeed the landscape of Nova Scotia are shaped by the Minas Fault Zone, running east-west from Cape Chignecto to Canso. From Diligent River to Fraserville, the fault intersects the shore and cliffs, weaving and cutting them and throwing rocks of different geologic age and character upon each other. Here the fault also brings the Cobequid highlands to the coast, creating a roller-coaster ride along the scenic drive, where each hill has its own name!
Geological Formation: Various
Age: Carboniferous to Triassic (350-200 million years)
GPS Coordinates: 45.398650, -64.635090
Directions: Between Fraserville and Port Greville, Highway 209 crosses north of the Cobequid Fault into the Cobequid Highlands. The view distracts from the twisting road, so drive with caution.

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