East Bay
The ‘flatirons’ of East Bay, formed before the breakup of Pangea. Like an open book of Earth History, the beds of the West Bay Formation near Partridge Island stand waiting to be read, layer upon layer, telling a story of a playa lake some 325 million years ago. Exquisite ripple marks, mudcracks, and crossing the playa flats, footprints of early tetrapods – amphibian and
reptile ancestors.
Geological Formation: West Bay Formation
Age: Early Carboniferous/Mississippian (circa 325 million years)
Directions: From the Ottawa House By the Sea Museum, follow the road to the right. The unpaved road soon splits: the left fork follows the gravel bar to Partridge Island, the right fork takes you to the shore to the right of Partridge Island. At the beach, head right towards the cliffs.
GPS Coordinates: 45.375526, -64.343775
Tide Times: http://www.tides.gc.ca/eng/station?sid=255

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